Over 50 delegates attended the Fylde Coast Academy Trust’s ‘Academies Away-Day’ at the Village Hotel on Friday 11 March. Attendees at this latest training event worked around a full and varied agenda that included an Analysis of our FCAT Multi-Academy Trust (MAT), a self-assessment of FCAT, an insight into the latest ‘Prevent’ strategy (to help combat radicalisation of young people) and an overview of Mental Toughness of students and staff. The day was rounded off with delegates moving into specific Academy Groups to examine individual academy development plans and to identify specific key priorities for the next academic year.
During the morning session three Primary Headteachers Susan Wilson, Pam Birch and Cheryl Brindle who are all National Leaders in Education gave delegates a detailed insight into Primary-Secondary Transition projects that they are currently overseeing within FCAT academies..
Felicity Greeves, FCAT Chief Executive Officer said: "we value the importance of excellent governance in improving outcomes for young people and for ensuring our organisations deliver best value. We are very grateful for the time given by our Academy Councils and are always interested in recruiting new members when governor vacancies arise".
A selection of images from the event can be viewed below: